Airports Near Long Beach Ca, Beach Near Me
Airports Near Long Beach Ca, Beach Near Me
Major airports near Long Beach, California:
5 miles to long beach Airport (LGB / KLGB)
22 miles to los angeles International Airport (LAX / KLAX)
28 miles to John Wayne Airport (SNA / KSNA)
40 miles to Bob wish Airport (BUR / KBUR)
53 three miles to los angeles/Ontario International Airport (ONT / KONT)
International airports near long seaside, CA
22 miles: los angeles, CA (LAX / KLAX) la International Airport
28 miles: Santa Ana, CA (SNA / KSNA) John Wayne Airport
53 miles: Ontario, CA (ONT / KONT) la/Ontario International Airport
106 miles: San Diego, CA (SAN / KSAN) San Diego International Airport
118 miles: Palm Springs, CA (PSP / KPSP) Palm Springs international Airport
Domestic airports near long seaside, CA
5 miles: long beach, CA (LGB / KLGB) Long Beach Airport
22 miles: los angeles, CA (LAX / KLAX) la International Airport
28 miles: Santa Ana, CA (SNA / KSNA) John Wayne Airport
40 miles: Burbank, CA (BUR / KBUR) Bob wish Airport
53 miles: Ontario, CA (ONT / KONT) l. a./Ontario International Airport
Local airports close to long beach, CA
5 miles: San Pedro, CA (QAA) Catalina Terminal
5 miles: San Pedro, CA (WYK) Catalina A-S term.
5 miles: San Pedro, CA (SPQ) Catalina Sea aircraft Base
13 miles: Torrance, CA (TOA / KTOA) Zamperini subject
13 miles: Compton, CA (CPM / KCPM) Compton/Woodley Airport
17 miles: Downey, CA (JDY) Downey Heliport
17 miles: trade, CA (JBP / 2CL0) commerce enterprise Park Heliport
19 miles: Hawthorne, CA (HHR / KHHR) Hawthorne Municipal Airport
20 miles: Anaheim, CA (ANA) Anaheim-Disneyland Helipad
23 miles: Fullerton, CA (FUL / KFUL) Fullerton Municipal Airport
Mayor airports near long Beach, California
The closest foremost airport is long beach Airport (LGB / KLGB). This airport has domestic flights and is five miles from the center of Long Beach, CA.
Any other primary airport is los angeles International Airport (LAX / KLAX), which has International and domestic flights from la, California and is 22 miles from Long beach, CA.
John Wayne Airport (SNA / KSNA) has International and domestic flights from Santa Ana, California and is 28 miles from long beach, CA.
Bob desire Airport (BUR / KBUR) has domestic flights from Burbank, California and is forty miles from long beach, CA.
Ontario International Airport (ONT / KONT) has International and domestic flights from Ontario, California and is 53 miles from long beach, CA.
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Long beach, California
town: Long Beach
state: California
country: united states of america
class: cities
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